Career Advancement Program
Number of Hours 60
Pedagogy: Online and Offline Classes, Games, Exercises, Case studies, Quizzes, Experience Sharing
Who may Join:Middle and Junior level managers
Subskill: scanning and skimming in reading, formal writing skills, proper listening, pronunciation, and accent
Teamwork: Group Dynamics, Cohesiveness, leadership, Commitment, Collaboration, Support.
Time management: Day log (organizing), Study Planning, evaluating progress, Self-Assessment, Corrective measures.
Personality grooming: Fixing personal and professional goals, self-awareness, enhancing skills and removing weakness, Character and conduct, self-confidence, willpower and self-discipline, defining and practicing value.
Bank IS Audit
Number of Hours 30
Pedagogy: Online and Offline Classes, Exercises, Case studies, Quizzes
Who may Join:Middle and Junior level managers
Management information system (MIS), computer architecture in banks, importance of technology, networking, information science (IS) framework adoption, data storage, backups, and data security. Prescribing appropriate audit policy, Identification of security-prone areas, locations, and operational levels for regular and systematic checks, follow-ups, reviews, pass-word protocol, physical security, audit trails, business continuity measures as per IS audit guidelines of RBI, Review of IS implementation, security lapses, preventing recurrences, compliance by top management, Creating awareness among staff, Aligning IS to Internal Checks and Control System, and, IS in statutory audit and internal audit.